Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dignity "optional"

Digging around on, I came across this video from some fired up Georgia Tech fans. It's their ode to Paul Johnson and his triple option, and it's entertainingly horrible.

(Let me just state for the record that the sooner the "White Bread Rap" fad fades out of favor with the kids, the happier I'll be. I know that makes me sound old, but whatever; in 25+ years, the only white rapper to pull it off was Eminem, and all his success has done is span a whole new generation of wannabes that think they can kick it hardcore.

In any event, enjoy:)


M. Lail said...

Hey, don't forget Will Smith. He's white, right?

SlackZac said...

Ad Rock, MCA, and Mike D are rolling in their graves.

James C. said...