Monday, October 27, 2008

I hope Sidney wins enough in his career here at State that...

...he can get away with dressing like THIS and no one think twice about it:


David said...

Why the hell are we talking about Carolina when there's no post about our defensive disaster letting maryland go 89 yards to win the game?!?!

James C. said...

So what I'm gathering from you, David, is that you're somewhat upset with the way the football game ended Saturday?

Don't worry...I'm working on a post-Maryland football post. I'm also working at my job, which kinda takes precedent at the moment. So once things settle down a bit I'll get to it.

Thanks for reading, though.

James C. said...

Hey, don't derail David from his's healthier if he vents it.

SlackZac said...

basketball season is here! we can talk about football again in the spring.

David said...

hahaha...WTF man your blog should take priority over everything...don't you understand that me getting your take on football games is more important than you getting food on the table!

SlackZac said...

when did Stevie Wonder start playing for the Heels?

Mike said...

No one would think twice about Sidney Lowe wearing that. He's the fashion icon of the ACC.