Friday, March 6, 2009

Reason #1,024 to never pose with a ton of cash: Facebook ads

When Ken Page, an offensive line recruit last season with Clemson showed up on the internet holding $10,000 in cash, the rumors started flying that the Tigers were paying recruits.

Page's family/handlers responded that no, Page's uncle owned an ATM business and was helping him fill the machines with cash and just wanted to hold that much money at one time.


Whatever the truth may be, the fact of the matter is that once a photo like this gets out, like the contents of Pandora's box, there's no way to get it back under wraps.

Case in point -- this ad that showed up on Facebook, featuring his famous photo:


But hey, that's bed you make when you:

A) are a four star recruit and
B) pose for a photo with $10,000 in cash in your hand, wearing a Clemson orange shirt.

Here's the original photo, for reference, and the story on Page at


boxorice said...

I just wanted to say that I like your blog.

James C. said...

That's not the concussion talking, is it?