Friday, May 15, 2009

Twitter Stuff: KingLaserface

From time to time I plan on sharing some interesting folks I've found on Twitter. Last month I pointed you toward the one and only Shaq Daddy Diesel, and seriously, if you haven't started following Shaq, you really should.

This month, something a bit different. This Twitter user combines three things I'm a fan of: Humor, extreme use of profanity and Philip Rivers.

Enter KingLaserface, perhaps the most profane, absurd and hilarious parody of an athlete anywhere on Twitter. The "guys-behind-the-guy" are the folks at KissingSuzyColber (another thing I'm a fan of), one of the best sports-based humor blogs out there.

The athlete being parodied here, of course, is Philip. The user name KingLaserface is derived from the classic graphic the folks at ABC put together years ago during Philip's college years:

Here's an example of some Tweets you can expect from KingLaserface:
  • (In regards to this screenshot of Philip from Madden 10) "What's with the g**damn noodle arms?"
  • "F**king Nice. 1,000 followers, one for each of my b*lls."
  • "@jay_cutler Hey Cutlerf**ker. Has Chicago shunned you yet because you only have two chins?"

The joke, of course, is that in no way, shape or form would Philip ever speak to anyone -- even Jay Cutler -- in the fashion that KingLaserface does.

It's akin to the appearances "Bill Clinton" would make on Late Night with Conan O'Brien where the ex-president would utter all sorts of crass slams on Hillary, fat chicks, etc. KingLaserface is nothing more than that, modernized for the Twitter crowd, with the crassness cranked to 11.

So if you're in the mood for some crass humor while keeping up with Philip's quest for total Cutlerf**ker domination, give him a follow.


M. Lail said...

That is just awesome.

Steven said...

I think this is my favorite fake Philip tweet, from last month: "One of my passes from November just landed."

BTW, Torry Holt is on Twitter: @torryholt