Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Could Lorenzo Brown Enroll Mid-Season?

James Henderson of Pack Pride suggests it might be a possibility on the latest edition of PackPride Radio:
The only thing we're trying to clear up with Lorenzo now is, Hargrave (Military Academy where Lorenzo will likely prep)'s one of the few prep schools where ... if you get through the (NCAA) clearing house in the fall, you can enroll at a college mid-year. I don't know if he's capable of doing that yet, with it being basketball, but maybe the door's not shut for him to get his scores and possibly enroll for second semester with N.C. State.
I wouldn't get your hopes up too high, though. James concludes by stating that he feels the plan at the moment is still to have him prep a full year and enter in the fall of 2010.

Hope springs eternal in West Raleigh.

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