Monday, August 31, 2009

Reminder: Kickoff Set For 7:03

Folks, a quick reminder as this will no doubt trip up a lot of folks: The game Thursday night is part of a double-header on ESPN and will therefore start at an earlier-than-usual time, 7:03 PM versus 7:30ish.

I can already envision the traffic nightmare that will be Thursday night as folks from Raleigh and the Triangle try to make their way to and fro on 40, the beltline and Edward Mill Rd. and the conclusion of the workday. So, if at all possible, leave work early and allow plenty of time to get to the stadium. Pick a time in your mind to leave your house or work and add a solid hour to that.

Also, you may have noticed a re-do to the layout as I've added a third column. I may do some subsequent tweaking over the following day or so, so bear with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NC State vs South Carolina Pep Rally
Harris Field
Wednesday September 2nd