Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ESPN's Heather Dinich Jumping The Gun On The "Russell For Heisman" Campaign

The ACC will have a better chance at a Heisman Trophy contender in 2010, but this week, I’ve got a new name for you – Russell Wilson.

That’s right, he got my vote this week.

Why? Because his numbers are phenomenal, he’s an outstanding quarterback, and he’s making better decisions this year. One major component of winning the Heisman Trophy is consistency, and Wilson - unlike Harris, Dwyer and Spiller - has been one of the most dependable players in the ACC so far.
Look, Heather...you seem like a nice lady (girl? How old are you? Are you younger than me? Jesus I'm getting old. Nevermind.)

And trust me...I love Russell Wilson as much as the next rabid State fan. But one great performance following two waxing of FCS patsies doesn't instantly propel him into the Heisman race. No more than should two wins against FSU and Georgia Tech have launched Jacory Harris into the Heisman conversation.

Point being, NO ONE -- beyond those returning players that were in the Heisman race last season -- should be in the Heisman race at this point based on one month's worth of work. The very fact that we're talking Heismans before the month of September concludes is lunacy.

Then again, lunacy is the M.O. of sports media today. I bet Joe Lunardi is bracketing teams for the NCAA tournament right now...for 2011!

Can we please take a step back and let things play themselves out before we start handicapping Heisman hopefuls? If you ask me, part of the reason Jacory Harris played so poorly in the Virginia Tech game was because he'd already had to field hundreds of Heisman questions and shot an interview with ESPN about Heisman hopes after two weeks of games, and subsequently couldn't live up to the hype. I mean, imagine the world is at your feet asking you what your Heisman plans are and you have to go out and play the biggest game of the season against your toughest divisional opponent. It's almost not fair.

So Heather, while I'm sure Russell is flattered, let's let the better part of half of this season transpire before we start tossing around words like "Heisman Trophy Hopeful." Because at this point, they can only do more harm than good.

1 comment:

David said...

She's a tool...not only did she piss me off by saying Kenan was a tough place (because of 'picturesque' pine trees nonetheless) to play and CF was not, but I lost COMPLETE respect for her for changing the article around because of all the complaints, even if I was one of the meaner complainers! Even if your opinion sucks, at least stick with it....GEEEEZZZz