Saturday, November 29, 2008

N&O Video from the Miami game

An especially sweet video this's fun to watch O'Brien express some restrained joy with Andre Brown, a player who's been vital to the success of the team's transition from Amato to its new head coach.

Edit: Thanks to SlackZac for bringing attention to the unintended duality of the meaning "critical" in the original post. It was poorly worded, for sure.


SlackZac said...

"Andre Brown, a player who's been critical in the team's transition from Amato to its new head coach."

when I first read this, I thought it was saying that Andre Brown was critical of Tom O'Brien and State getting rid of Amato ... then, i realized, that it meant he is critical [vital] TO the team's transition ...i shouldn't read stuff until after i've had my coffee

James C. said...

Phixed, and thanks.