Sunday, November 23, 2008

N&O Video from the UNC game, with a twist!

You know I love the video the N&O takes at the football games, and I try to host it here whenever I can.

This week's video has a twist to it: A nice shot of some Tar Heel fans dropping an F-bomb at the 3:15 mark:

I'd be foolish to believe that this sort of stuff doesn't go on at every school, including at State. I know for a fact it does. But this, along with the "Go back to the ghetto!" blast from last year's Maryland basketball game in the Dean Dome, is just stuff to store away anytime a Carolina fan tries to play the "moral superiority" card.

Sorry to burst your bubble, Heels're no better than anyone else.

1 comment:

SlackZac said...

nothing is quite as sweet as dejected tar hole fans.